ABLE is a registered charity providing supported accommodation for adults with Mental Health problems across Wiltshire.
All people experience changes in their Mental Health and can cope with these changes in different ways. These changes can sometimes result in severe emotional distress, which requires a range of responses.
ABLE has been running for over thirty years with the aim and objective of providing homes in the community for adults with Mental Health problems.
We do this by providing support that is both emotional and practical in assisting individuals to work towards their independence and to gain as much self-determination as possible.
We provide and maintain a comfortable, secure and well-equipped home environment which is both enjoyed and well-used by the service users.
The accommodation and support we provide is flexible and will enable service users to live in the home for as long as possible should their health deteriorate.
We facilitate and promote tolerance, compatibility and domestic co-operation within the household.
We promote a perspective of positive change, to build the clients’ self-confidence in gaining skills; to increase their independence and enhance their sense of informed choice.
We actively encourage and facilitate the clients’ participation in the day-to-day running of the house.
Our aim is to enable clients to exercise independence and as much self-determination as possible and to provide the emotional and practical support necessary to achieve this.
We also encourage and assist clients to make links with the community and its resources.
They are excellent, thanks to all staff.
The management and staff team work very hard and very helpful when need it.
I am happy at king street and the management and staff do a good job and are supportive.
Family atmosphere, very cohesive.
I was delighted to see it more resembled a 'normal' house rather than an institutional block!
The staff have been wonderful in supporting him to be more independent. They have worked hard to look after his mental and physical wellbeing.
I highly recommend your company and particularly the premises and staff at King Street.